Hot Cocoa Ornament
This delightful drink is loved the world over. The Mayans & Aztecs took it straight with chilis, and the Europeans added the sugar & milk. In Spain, hot chocolate & churros is a...

Mini Santa Ornament
The legend of Santa Claus is derived from the European figure of St. Nicholas and American writers who wrote children's poems in the 19th century. Santa Claus became the jolly man clad in red, the...
Santa Vaccinated Ornament
Jolly St. Nick is ready to kick COVID to the curb by getting his vaccine. Santa and his team of elves are ready to return to their traditional Christmastime festivities. Christmas is the time to...

Workshop Santa Ornament
Santa spends his days and into the wee hours of the morning working to create the finest of toys for the good little boys and girls around the world year after year. The dedication and attention to...

Santa On Locomotive Ornament
Santas sleigh has been replaced with the trains in this town! His reindeers can rest as Santa rides the locomotive to the houses of good boys and girls. Choo Choo! Good or naughty, which list are you?