
Geneva Fir

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Geneva Fir

  • Narrower version of the deluxe size, the Geneva Fir has amazing density and a realistic appearance.  Offering a unique blend of flat fir needles that blend lighter towards the tips with hard needle pine, plus various PVC styles.
  • 45% Real-Needle™ PE branches made from molds of a real tree mixed with PVC foliage.
  • Available with LED ColorChange™ Lights (Learn More) or Classic Incandescent lights
  • Steel pole and fully hinged construction
  • Includes Steel stand and foot switch power cord
  • Height of tree is measured in the stand
  • Tree assembles with just a few sections for easy setup
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There are four unique branch tips that make up the design of the Geneva Fir. At first glance the differences are not noticeable, and they create an interesting and natural look that attracts the eye to its shape, colors, and size. Real-Needle™ PE tips are placed evenly throughout the tree and not just on the outside tips like you'll see from other sources. By mixing traditional PVC needles together with PE molded branch tips, it creates the feel and look of a real tree. Commercial grade Classic mini-lights are hand-wrapped around each branch limb starting with the center and working their way to each outer branch tip. The result is a tree that is absolutely full of lights.

The Geneva Fir family of Treetime artificial Christmas trees is offered in a slim size, regular size, and deluxe model as well as an LED version. We built this tree from the ground-up with the intention of designing a model that looks stunningly lifelike, can handle all types of Christmas ornaments, and has an amazing level of detail. The branch layering, density, and quality of this amazing Christmas tree makes it one of Treetime's finest trees.